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Loughborough University Logo

The POWER of the musical

Were you in a musical at Secondary School? 

Do you remember the story? 

The songs? 

I'm undertaking research with Loughborough University exploring the potential for participation in Musical Theatre to impact young people (aged 11-18) in the UK, specifically around Empowerment, Wellbeing and Gender and would really appreciate your help.

From completing short, confidential surveys, to being interviewed, to helping Secondary Schools get involved through participation in workshops, wellbeing studies (with free musicals for schools to perform), there are a number of ways to be involved.

If you can take the time to fill out one of the surveys below, or agree to be interviewed, or perhaps pass this information on to your local Secondary School, that would be really appreciated as together we explore the power of the musical.

Keep scrolling for all the info and thanks very much for your help,

Best wishes,


Surveys for Adults

The surveys created are for:

  • Over 18's who have taken part in Musical Theatre whilst they were in secondary school either on stage, behind the scenes or in the band in any role or capacity. 

  • Adults who have been teachers in UK Secondary Schools and involved in the School Musical Production.

  • Parents whose children are or have been in the past, engaged in their Secondary School Musical Production.

  • The surveys are a really important part of the research and will give us an idea of the long term impacts of being involved in Musical Theatre in Secondary School.

Over 18s

If you're over 18 and took part in a musical in the UK during secondary school, however long ago, we'd be really interested in your confidential views HERE


If you are (or you have been) a teacher with involvement in Musical Theatre at a UK secondary school, please click HERE to complete a short confidential survey.


If your child has been involved in a musical at secondary school in the UK, either on-stage, behind the scenes, or in the band, whatever their role, we'd be really interested in your confidential views, HERE


All surveys are short, confidential and anonymous and will give us important insights into the potential for participation in Musical Theatre to influence young people.

For Schools...

Schools Participation has been created in the following ways...

  • Workshop/Focus Group for students, taking place at school which explore student recollections of musical theatre they have taken part in or watched, responses to a number of empowerment and wellbeing based activities and a creative activity (short story or lyric writing). 

  • A Wellbeing Study for students who are both taking part and not taking part in any School Musical production. 

  • A choice of two musicals with a no cost licence for schools taking part in the Wellbeing Study - or you can participate in the Wellbeing Study with another musical of your choice.

    The workshops and wellbeing studies are another important part of the research, enabling us to capture the views of young people aged 11-18, and also attempting to quantify the impact of being involved in Musical Theatre in Secondary Schools on young people.

Workshop/Focus Group

Student Focus Groups are approximately 2 hours long and cover student recollections of Musical Theatre, a number of empowerment and wellbeing activities and a creative exercise. In person (with teacher present) they are dependant on location but can be run online with in classroom teacher assistance . Student contribution is confidential/anonymised. To find out more, please email [email protected]

Wellbeing Study

A proven Wellbeing Study is used to measure wellbeing of students before and after schools put on a Musical. 

Both students participating in the Musical and those not, can complete it and responses are confidential/anonymised.

To take part in the Wellbeing Study please email [email protected]

FREE Musicals.

Two musicals have been made available with a free performance licence for 2024-2026. These come with script, MP3's, digital backdrops, lead sheets, etc. and will be available from 2025

If you would like more information about your school getting involved in the wellbeing study and using these materials to do so, please contact [email protected]

Confidentiality & Safeguarding

Responses are aggregated to ensure student confidentiality. The Researcher holds Enhanced DBS check.


I'm looking for people to interview who took part in Musical Theatre at Secondary School, however long ago.

Interviews last approximately 45 minutes and take place over Microsoft Teams. They are confidential, anonymous, and recorded for transcript purposes.

Interviews of adults recollections will provide really rich data of any lasting impressions from participants involvement in Musical Theatre at Secondary School and form another important part of the overall research.

If you'd be willing to be interviewed for the study, you are over 18 and took part in a Musical at your Secondary School in the UK, however long ago, please email: [email protected] for more information.

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